Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Dont worry be happy!

Man has it been busy lately! If you have been following along, I apologize for the infrequency of posts as of late, but as can be expected, life can be a bit busy....funny thing is life is busier than the kids! Like I mentioned a few posts ago, we just sold our house and are in the middle of boxes upon boxes of stuff. Its funny how everybody says when they move, “I didn't realize I had so much stuff!” and while we have culled a whole bunch of stuff in the past few years, we still have a ton of stuff.

How many times can I stuff the word “stuff “in a paragraph?

In the mean time the sun is shining and the birds are starting to sing, which is a welcome change. I am really liking this working from home gig.

When I started this blog, I had no idea where it was going to go or what I was going to write about, only that I wanted to share the adventures of two parents raising seven kids on a single income. But while a certain amount of financial discipline and managing time on the fly is involved, I think that our biggest secret to it all is being fully reliant on God....or F.R.O.G.(ing) as I sometimes put it.

The other big secret is to take is to take things day by day. You can spend a lot of time trying to plan for the future, and while I am a big advocate of thinking in the bigger picture (I myself think in five and ten year plans) you run the risk of losing the gift of the present moment when you stay too focused on what things may come.

Its been a while since I referenced scripture in one of my posts, but I have been reflecting on Matthew 6: 25-34 lately.

Especially Verse 34, “so do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today.

Better yet:


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