Monday, 2 January 2012

Join the Challenge!

Ok TiPSI Dads...and Moms too! So at the start of the new year and seeing as the last post was about making and keeping resolutions, I have decided that I would do pushups every day, so, I figured I would throw out an invitation to join me in the TiPSI Dad push-up challenge!

Here is the way it works:

You do one pushup for each day of the month. So for example, on the first of the month you do one push up, on the second of the month you do two, on the third, three and so on, until you reach the equivalent of the date or you max out ie. you are unable to continue. So, on day thirty, you would do one set of thirty push ups, but you will have done a total of about 465 push-ups! (if you were able to keep up with the number of days in the month)

At the beginning of each month you can go back to one, or, if you are looking for more of a challenge, take ten seconds to do one push up, or set yourself a base line....say ten, and do that each night until the eleventh of each month, then increase by one.

Every couple of weeks or so, I will issue a push up variation to challenge you even further!

Just a couple of more rules and a disclaimer: 

  1. This challenge is between you and yourself. Nobody else. You may choose to do this challenge with a friend, which I recommend, but do not push yourself to the point of self injury!
  2. Speaking of self injury, please consult your physician if there is any question about your physical health!  I will not be held responsible for any injury incurred should you choose to take part in the challenge.
  3. I will not take any credit either for any attention garnered for your improving physique. Also, what you chose to do with that attention is up to you. Please act responsibly.
  4. Feel free to share the challenge with your friends...and please post comments about your progress!! It would be great to hear your stories. 
  5. There will not be any prize at the end, but the satisfaction in knowing that in the year 2012, you will have done 5,580 push ups!

So without any further ado.....



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