Friday, 23 March 2012

Ahh Spring

Greetings everyone. Spring is definitely in the air! As much as I love the crisp clean winter air, I have to admit that 25 degrees (Celsius) in the middle of March is not too bad at all.

When I was a teacher, one of my classroom traditions was to break into song on the first day of spring....what a way to perpetuate the stereotype of the guitar playing religion teacher....except I most definitely did NOT wear a habit.

Anyway I thought I would carry the tradition on my blog....

Here is a personal favorite of mine, apropos to the season.






Monday, 19 March 2012

Ahh Chocolate...

Greetings everyone!

It is a pretty well known fact that the closer you get to the source, the less expensive a product. Chocolate chip cookies are a great example of this. A bag of cookies can range anywhere from $2.99 to $4.99 a bag, and will contain at most three dozen cookies.

A bag of chocolate chips can be purchased for about $3.49 and can be used to make 150 cookies....depending on the recipe.

The advantage to making your own cookies is that the list of ingredients is about 1/5th of the ingredient list of store bought cookies....if you know what I mean.

Here is the recipe we use for our home made cookies, which we got from an old friend many years ago:

1lb margarine melted

3cups brown sugar

1 egg, beaten

1-2 tbsp vanilla

3 cups rolled oats

1 tsp baking soda

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

3 cups flour

3 cups chocolate chips

Combine all ingredients in order. Drop spoonfuls on a baking sheet. Preheat oven 350 F and bake for 8-10 minutes

Yields approx 150 cookies

For an extra tasty treat...try this...

50 cookies

1 tub of cream cheese

Blend together

Roll into balls and dip in melted chocolate.



Sunday, 4 March 2012

Spiderman, Spiderman....TiPSI Dad pushup challenge month 3

Ok, so I know that last post I said that my next post would have something to do about chocolate, but I still needed to post this months pushup challenge extra.

So this month, the pushup challenge extra challenge is Spiderman Pushups!

Here is what they look like:


More on chocolate next time









Thursday, 1 March 2012

Through the Looking Glass

Well this has been an interesting week. I have been on reading week from my college courses an the break could not have come at a better time! Something definitely Norwalky has been going through the house the last few days. Today I pulled out the chicken soup recipe and the laundry has been going non stop.

However it has also been a day of simple blessings. I was able to go through some things that have been piling up.

One of the great things about homeschooling is the flexibility. Yesterday there was a freezing rain warning, which resulted in school closures in our region. So seeing as the rest of the county got a snow day, the kids got a snow day today as well.

I am definitely enjoying parental leave and I am positive that given the choice, most parents would also choose to stay home more often with their kids, but the biggest concern for mot people is probably finances. When I began this year long experiment, I wanted to show people that it was possible to stay at home and not have to sacrifice too much...which I can confidently say that we have so far been able to do by the grace of God. But I will also say that it has not been easy.

Probably the biggest challenge has been choosing healthier food choices while living on a limited budget. The truth is, it is far less expensive to by the regular vegetables (which have probably been genetically modified in some way) than it is to buy the organic stuff. Same goes for cereal and just about everything in between. I was getting sleepy driving home the other day and wanted to get a snack to keep me a bit more alert. My preferred choice would have been sunflower seeds...but they were about three times more expensive than the Cheetos that I ended up buying. I know that eating healthy is about making conscious choices but when every dollar counts chances are you are going to spend your five bucks on the GM peppers, carrots, apples and corn instead of the organic broccoli which costs $3.99/ bunch.

But for the most part, I really do think that having lots of kids is more affordable than people fact I like to think that our family is living proof of that.

Incidentally, as part of the transition from traditional to non-traditional employment, I have decided to change the tithing model for this blog. A while back I said that I would be reverse tithing any income we received from this blog, giving the tithe to charities that fed the hungry, sheltered the homeless and clothed the naked. While we are still going to tithe to the same causes, I have decided to apply a more conventional tithe model (%10) to any of the donations we receive from here on.

Also I want to send a public note of thanks to everyone who has donated to either TiPSI Dad or TiPSI Mom, you have been instruments of God's provision in more ways than you know.

Next post: For the love of Chocolate!!!